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FAQ & Registration Policies

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Registration Policies

Please note that many special events and offsite conferences have different registration policies. Always refer to the individual conference website for additional information. When in doubt, please feel free to call us 203-909-6888 x2

or email for more information.


​By registering for an event hosted by The Consortium you agree to our registration and privacy policies. 


For more information about registration and accessing your certificate, please visit the FAQ on our online store.


How do I register with a credit/debit card?

Register online at We do not accept credit card information by phone. If you are having difficulty online, you can follow the register by mail instructions below or use the contact information above to request assistance.


How do I register with a purchase order?

Complete the registration form and mail with a check or money order. There is a $25 handling fee for all returned checks. Failure to pay this fee will prevent you from registering for future courses. Checks and purchase orders can be made payable to The Connecticut Women's Consortium and can be sent to ATTN: Education & Training, 2321 Whitney Avenue, Suite 401, Hamden, CT 06518.

If payment is not received at least 3 business days before the training date, Continuing Education Credits (CECs) will be withheld until payment is completed. Additionally, On-Demand courses will remain inaccessible until payment is received.


How do I register by mail?

Complete the registration form and mail or fax the form with a check or money order. There is a $25 handling fee for all returned checks. Failure to pay this fee will prevent you from registering for future courses. Checks and purchase orders can be made payable to The Connecticut Women's Consortium and can be sent to ATTN: Education & Training, The Connecticut Women’s Consortium, 2321 Whitney Avenue, Suite 401, Hamden, CT 06518.


How do I register a group?

To register a group, you can either create accounts for each individual and pay each registration separately - or you can fill out a registration form for each individual and send with an agency purchase order, via fax or email.


How can I get on the waitlist for a sold-out event?

When an event is sold out, we will make note of it on the website. Please call to determine if a waitlist is available. Once on the waitlist, mark the date on your calendar and you will be notified via email/phone if a space becomes available.


How do I access my continuing education credits?
Within 3 business days after training (this may be longer for offsite events and conferences), you will receive an email from Follow the instructions provided in the email to access your certificates. If you do not receive an email and do not see it in your spam or junk folder, please following the instructions below.

1.Log into your CWC profile at

2. Click the menu dropdown at the center of your screen (blue button with 3 lines).

3. Select "My CE Credit" from the drop-down. This will bring you to your "Streaming Classroom".

4. Click the menu drop down from the top of the screen again and select "My CE Credits".

5. You can then follow the prompts under "pending credit" to submit your evaluation and download your certificate. 


What are your attendance policies?

By accreditation standards, continuing education credits (CECs) are only given to individuals who have completed the entire training; partial credit cannot be given. If you arrive more than 30 minutes after the start of the event or leave early for any reason, you will not receive CECs.

For on-site events, you must sign in and sign out on the designated attendance sheets provided by staff. If you are not sure where the attendance sheets are, please ask a staff member for assistance.

For virtual events, you must log into Zoom with your first and last name, matching the name you registered with. Zoom automatically tracks your attendance, including any breakout sessions. Please note that participation in breakout sessions is an important part of the training experience and counts towards your total attendance for all virtual trainings. If you miss more than one breakout session, Consortium staff members will provide you with a written and verbal warning. If you do not join the breakout session or contact Consortium staff as directed in the written and verbal outreach, you will be removed from the training. 

Please note that our attendance policies are based on state statute and requirements from our accrediting body.


What if I don’t need continuing education credits?

Even if you don’t need continuing education credit, we ask that you sign-in and out so that you can receive a certificate of attendance.

What type of continuing education credits do you offer?

All our catalog trainings are approved for continuing education credit (CEC) by the CT Chapter of the National Association of Social Workers (NASW/CT) and the CT Certification Board (CCB-CT). NASW/CT approvals are valid in MA, RI, and VT. We do not offer Continuing Medical Education (CME) credits. CCB-CT has national CEC reciprocity through NAADAC and IC&RC. If you have questions about whether or not your state accepts our CEC approvals, please contact your local accrediting board for more information.


To whom do your continuing education credits apply?

NASW/CT CEC approvals are applicable to the following license types: Licensed Clinical Social Worker (LCSW), Licensed Master of Social Work (LMSW), Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT), Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC), and Licensed Clinical Psychologist (PsyD). CCB-CT approvals are applicable to the following license types: Licensed Alcohol & Drug Abuse Counselor (LADC) and Certified Addiction Counselors (CAC).  


Do you offer national continuing education credits?

We offer national approval through the National Association of Social Workers (NASW) on select online courses. Look for the national approval designation during registration. The CT Certification Board (CCB-CT) offers national and international continuing education credit (CEC) reciprocity through NAADAC and IR&RC for LADCs and CACs. We offer national approval for many large events and conferences, check individual event details for more information.  


What happens if I can no longer attend a workshop?

As of January 1st, 2020, we no longer offer credit on account for training cancellations. If you can no longer attend the training you've registered for, you must call and speak with a staff member to immediately transfer into another course or request a refund. Refunds, minus a 25% administration fee, are only available up to 48 hours ahead of the training. Alternatively, you may transfer into another course of your choosing up until 9 AM on the training day. Conferences may have different cancellation policies. Please refer to the individual conference page to learn more. 

Can I receive a refund for an online course?

Online courses are only refundable if you have not yet started the course. If you have selected an online course in error and have not yet started it, you must call and speak with a staff member to receive a refund minus a 25% administration fee.


What happens if there is inclement weather or another emergency?

We strive to let participants know about emergency and weather-related cancellations and delays by 6 am on the day of the event. Please call 203-909-6888 x2 or visit our website for the latest information.


Do you ever cancel training?

We reserve the right to cancel a program at any time due to inclement weather, faculty emergencies, or low attendance. Please refer to the above question for details on the weather and other emergency cancellations. For trainings canceled due to low enrollment, we will notify you of the cancellation via email and you will be given the option of transferring to another course or receiving a full refund.


What if I have a dietary restriction?

We offer reasonable dietary accommodations (vegan/vegetarian, nut allergies, gluten-free, dairy-free, and other severe allergies) for conference events in which food is provided. The Consortium offers light breakfast refreshments for trainings beginning before 10 AM and does not provide lunch unless otherwise stated on an event's page. When applicable, you will be prompted to identify any dietary restrictions during the registration process. If you have any questions or require further assistance, you must call us at 203-909-6888 x2 and speak with a staff member at least 3 business days prior to the event date.


What if I have an accessibility request?

You will be asked about accessibility requests during the registration process (online and on paper registration forms). Requests for ASL interpreters require two-weeks of advanced notice to guarantee availability. Our Hamden office is wheelchair accessible. For off-site events and conferences, please email us at or call us at 203-909-6888 x2 with accessibility questions or concerns. 


Do you offer scholarships for training?

If you are experiencing financial hardship but would still like to attend one of our trainings, please contact us at 203-909-6888 x 2 or email us at We are committed to making our programs accessible and will work with you to explore available options.


Can I bring children? Do you have a space for nursing mothers?

Though open to the public, our trainings and events are geared for adults aged 18 and up; we ask that participants refrain from bringing children to trainings and events unless otherwise noted on the event page. For nursing mothers, we have private space available in our wellness room located in our 4th-floor suite. For nursing mothers attending offsite events or conferences, please contact the venue directly with questions or concerns.


Can I take photos or tag CWC on social media?

Yes! We encourage all participants to take photos at our trainings and events, just be sure to tag us. We are on Facebook, Instagramand LinkedIn. If you are including other participants in the photo or tag, please be sure you have asked their permission before posting. We reserve the right to photograph, record, or film classes. For more information, read our privacy policy.


The Connecticut Women's Consortium is dedicated to providing high quality professional behavioral health trainings on a variety of cutting-edge topics. To do this, the Consortium contracts with many independent trainers and consultants who are not employed directly with our office. The opinions and positions expressed by our contracted trainers are their own and do not necessarily represent the beliefs of the Consortium.


Please note that the Connecticut Women’s Consortium reserves the right to mute, turn off camera access, or remove attendees who are participating in a disruptive or inappropriate manner while attending training on Zoom. Furthermore, the Consortium reserves the right to request on-site training participants to leave for disruptive or inappropriate behaviors.

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